(0212) 33-90-34 (Acquisition Department)
(0212) 33-90-22 (Director)
There are 3 delivery desks and 5 reading rooms, virtual reference service in VSMU library. In 2013 the library introduced MARC-SQL version 1.17, which provides comprehensive automation of all technological processes. Students and university teachers have free Internet access. In 2015 the transition to paperless technology. "Electronic reader’s form" (e-form) enables pre-ordering books. In 2013 the library launched the website with virtual reference service "Ask a librarian" (since 2014) and institutional repository (since 2016).
The library's electronic information resources form the basis of the information and educational space of the university. The library positions itself as an information center in the field of medicine and pharmacy in the Vitebsk region and promotes the continuing professional education of practitioners in the field.
The library provides its readers with both: traditional and electronic informational resources and services. The library collection outnumbers half a million items of publications and unpublished documents of different kinds. It includes educational, academic, reference literature, fiction, journals and newspapers, collections of research papers, monographs, theses and abstracts, scientific reports, electronic documents.
Electronic informational resources of the library are represented by local databases (include the library's self-created or by participating in corporate projects), licensed electronic libraries and research databases.
The electronic catalogue of the library is available online.
The institutional repository cumulates electronic versions of educational and research publications, video lectures, newspapers and journals published at the university.
The library maintains a number of bibliographic databases of its own generation. Also the library takes part in creation of the corporate electronic information resources of BelAR and “The Scientists of Belarus”.
Since 2021, the library has been a participant in the "Large Medical Library" project implemented by the Association of Medical Libraries in partnership with the electronic library system "Book Up". Since 2022 - a member of the Consortium of Network Digital Libraries, a non-commercial project of the company "Lan". As part of these projects, a single electronic information space is being formed for educational publications of medical universities in the Russian Federation, Belarus and Kazakhstan.
The library has access to the world scientific databases Cochrane Library, Wiley Online Library.
Students, university teachers, students of The Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining, doctors of the city and the region have access to the electronic library system "Konsultant Studenta", the electronic medical library "Konsultant Vracha", medical collections of the Belarusian publishing houses "Vysheyshaya Shkola" and "Novoye Znaniye", legal reference systems "Business-Info" and "Etalon".
Subscription to Belarusian and Russian scientific journals is presented in traditional printed and electronic versions (through the scientific electronic library ""). The library monitors specialized open access medical journals and informs about them.
The library releases bibliographic bulletins of the new literature arrivals, bibliographic bulletins of periodicals, bibliographies.
In 2020 the "Student eBooks Shelf" was introduced to provide distance learning. In 2022, it was integrated into the Student's Personal Account in the distance learning system, which makes it easier for students to access the full texts of the publications recommended by the curriculum.
Readers can use interlibrary loan service for getting the books missing in library collection. Readers can order copies of an article from the journal by electronic document delivery (EDD).
The Rare Book collection exceeds 1000 items, including publications that date back to the second haif of the XIX century. The oldest book of the collection is called “Surgical anatomy charts printed with the permission of His Imperial Majesty Nicholas I” by Ilya Buyalsky. It was published in St. Petersburg in 1852. “Clinical lectures by Professor Zakharin” published in Moscow in 1863.
Since 2020, the library has a photo gallery representing the work of photographers - teachers, staff and students of the university. The photo gallery archive is available on the library website.
Commercial services provided by the library include photocopying, scanning, electronic materials printout.
More than 13000 readers are served annually by all departments of the library. The demand for information resources is about 400,000 items per year. About 900 readers visit the library, website and repository every day.
The library structure includes:
The library has 37.5 staff units. 94% of the library staff have a university degree.
The library has VK, Instagram and Facebook accounts and Youtube channel.
The library is the coordination and methodological center of the network of medical libraries of the Vitebsk region. Since 2020, the library is a member of the Association of Medical Libraries